When you start thinking about putting your home up on the market, the prospect of getting it ready can seem like a daunting task, especially if your home hasn't been updated in quite a while, or if your home is a little more "well lived in" (cluttered...maybe a little dusty in the hard-to reach areas?) rather than spic and span like a model home that's never been lived in.
You might be tempted to just push aside the anxiety of getting your home market-ready by telling yourself that someone will purchase a property no matter what condition it's in. While that mode of thinking is essentially true in that your home might (eventually) get sold without your having made any improvements to it, chances are that the property will sit on the market for far longer than anticipated, and the offers that you do get won't quite be at the price point you were hoping for.
The good news is that there are actually several easy and cost-efficient ways to get your home market-ready FAST. All you'll need is a quick trip to your local supermarket--or you might already have the materials at home already!
Watch below parts 1 and 2 of Robin Realty's CEO and Listing Specialist Tiffani Robin's short informational series on some simple and budget-friendly tips to get your home market-ready. Tiffani has sold literally THOUSANDS of homes over the 10+ years she's been a realtor, so it goes without saying that she knows a thing or two about how to get a home sold!
If you have any more questions, call Robin Realty at#504-509-4771 to speak to an agent TODAY!
Monday Minute Ep. 1: How Do I Get My Home Prepared for the Market?--Part 1
Monday Minute Ep. 2: How Do I Get My Home Prepared for the Market?--Part 2
Do you have a topic you'd like Tiffani to cover in an episode of her weekly series Monday Marketing Minute? Email the marketing department any time at meg@robinrealtygroup.com!
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Robin Realty 504-509-4771 Covington, La. Licensed in La.